Marshmallow was used by Ancient Egyptians to soothe coughs and sore throats and to heal wounds. (1) In the Middle Ages, used as a treatment for everything from upset stomachs to chest colds and insomnia. (2)
Antitussive and mucilage properties in marshmallow can help relieve cold symptoms. Promote the health of mucus membranes that line hollow organs and reduce pain and inflammation.
Molecular Profile
Antioxidants in marshmallow root play a role in preventing the growth of tumors, especially in the lungs, and minimize the risk of progression. As a smoke it soothes the lungs, softening and moisturizing dry air passageways.
Additional Info
Marshmallow is mostly used in our Herbs for Relaxation. Also view Herbs for Meditation and Herbs for Energy and view all our herbal blends here.
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